ARTNet Revision Projects

The Revision Projects (supported under RFA-CA-19-049 R01, RFA-CA-19-050 U01, RFA-CA-19-051 U54, RFA-CA-19-052 P01, RFA-CA-19-053 P50), through administrative supplement, leverage the expertise in the broader NCI-funded grant portfolio (R01 Research Projects, U01 Research Projects, U54 Specialized Centers, P01 Research Program Projects, P50 Specialized Centers) to tackle drug resistance in cancer.

The purpose is to support the addition of new aims and directions to currently funded NCI-funded grant portfolio in underexplored areas of basic and preclinical evaluation of therapeutic resistance. These revision applications are expected to be complementary (but not duplicative) of on-going research activities the original project and ultimately accelerate the translational success of ongoing and future clinical trials.